English Assessments
Made Easy
Develop a curriculum-aligned, assessment-first approach
Our resources enable you to discover language, literature and literacy skills, design explicit instruction, and drive a positive culture of student-centred assessment.

Spark A Love Of Literacy
Discover strengths
- Streamline your assessment process with curriculum-aligned, ready-to-use English assessments to identify strengths and growth areas.
- Combine curriculum-aligned data and insight with your tailored instruction to promote literacy understanding.
- Encourage self-paced student learning to build literacy capability as you monitor progress and provide ongoing feedback.
- Use My Literacy tasks as part of your 'Morning Routine' or 'Daily Review'. Also set tasks at the end of a teaching phase to quickly 'check for understanding'.
- My Literacy can simplify your formative assessment processes.

Strengthen spelling capabilities
- My Spelling helps you target spelling concepts with interactive content through five key areas: Play, Learn, Find, Practise, and Assess. Use it to engage your students in fun, independent learning.

Features teachers love

Australian texts
Use online and printable Australian-created texts and skill-based reading and writing tasks.

Student-driven learning
Easily create personalised learning goals with matching learning plans based on achievement data.

Reliable data
Use actionable curriculum-aligned data and insight to provide ongoing feedback for improvement and progress.

Less screen time
Printable options reduce your students’ screen time and encourage in-depth text analysis.
Don't just take our word for it
Unlock every students' literacy potential

Discover student knowledge
- Pre-assess to see each student's literacy, literature and language knowledge aligned with curriculum content.
- See instant curriculum-aligned student data to identify ‘what comes next’.

Design literacy instruction
- Automatic actionable data assists your explicit instruction to address learner variability.
- Encourage your students to review and reflect on their learning using My Literacy tasks and learning goals.

Drive literacy growth
- Post-assess to drive growth and communicate each students' language, literature and literacy skills.
- Utilise reliable data to inform decision-making, ensuring a consistent approach to growth in your classroom.
Curriculum-aligned insight
Victorian Curriculum
Hundreds of online and printable curriculum-aligned literacy assessments and learning activities support hundreds of Victorian primary schools with their literacy programs.
NSW Syllabus
Hundreds of online and printable syllabus-aligned literacy assessments and learning activities support hundreds of NSW primary schools with their literacy programs.
Australian Curriculum
Hundreds of online and printable curriculum-aligned literacy assessments and learning activities support hundreds of primary schools with their literacy programs.
Explore Essential Assessment
Explore EP for Secondary
Interested in learning more?
Book a meeting with an Essential Assessment team member today!