Embrace effective assessment

Unlock student potential through assessment-led learning

Empowering 675,000+ students: our impact
in numbers

Helping you to unlock every student's full potential in Maths and English.

Our Impact in 2024

A grounding in evidence-based research.

Essential Assessment draws on the work of renowned educational researchers, such as Vygotsky, Rosenshine, Black and Wiliam and others. We integrate pedagogical frameworks into our assessment resources and learning materials to support you unlock every student’s full potential in Maths and English.

Effective and impact-driven assessment

Why you assess: The primary goal of assessment is to understand what students know, identify their learning needs, and guide them toward achieving their potential. Essential Assessment equips educators with curriculum-aligned tools that ensure assessments are purposeful and aligned with learning goals. By assessing and informing teaching, you can tailor instruction to meet each student’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), supporting the growth of every student.

How you assess: Essential Assessment provides you with flexible, ongoing assessments to check for understanding in real-time, delivering both formative and summative data that allow you to adjust your teaching strategies. Choose from online or printable formats to customise your assessments to focus on specific strands or content areas, allowing for a personalised approach to instruction. Moreover, with automated marking and data collection, you can efficiently analyse student progress without the burden of excessive administration.

Proof of your impact: With robust data analytics at your fingertips, you have clear insights into each student’s performance. Real-time data, aligned with curriculum indicators, offers ‘proof’ of learning by tracking progress at individual, class, and whole-school levels. Using Essential Assessment, you can easily identify areas where students excel or where misunderstandings may exist, nurturing the development of assessment-capable learners. This data makes it seemless for you to celebrate each student’s achievements and informs next steps for targeted interventions and ongoing growth.

Essential Assessment ensures that assessment is more than a measurement tool. Through this integrated approach, it is a transformative experience that fosters continuous teaching and learning cycles, promoting equitable progress and success for every one of your learners.

Interested in learning more?

Book a meeting with an Essential Assessment team member today!