Victorian Curriculum Assessments Made Easy
Enhance your assessments and reporting
Our comprehensive approach provides precise, curriculum-aligned assessments, detailed data for personalised learning, streamlined reporting, progress tracking, and easier parent communication.
Victorian Curriculum F-6 Bundles
Our comprehensive assessment bundles align with the Victorian Curriculum in Maths and English. To learn more about how Essential Assessment can support your school, request a demo.
Primary Maths Bundle
- Fully aligned to the Victorian Curriculum 2.0.
- Summative Assessments (Strands, Focus Areas and Flexi), Online and printable.
- Formative Assessments, Online and printable, addressing the four mathematical proficiencies.
My Numeracy ('Check for Understanding'
Tasks/Activities). - Individualised Learning Plans and Goals.
- Printable Worksheets.

Primary English Bundle
- Summative Assessments (English, Focus Areas and Flexi), Online and printable.
- Formative Assessments, Online and printable including Australian-created texts that address key Literacy components.
- My Literacy (Explicit Literacy skill builders).
- Individualised Learning Plans and Goals.
- Printable Worksheets.

Features You'll Love
School improvement
- Develop continuous growth across student cohorts.
- A complete solution to help make the most of teacher time.
- Satisfy school reporting requirements with reliable data.

Streamlined assessment
- Reduce the burden administering your assessments.
- Actionable data to report learning growth to parents.
- Peer collaboration to develop assessment practice.

'After 40 years of teaching, across all grades, I know this is the best practical, useful and informative resource a school could possibly have. When used in conjunction with quality resources and curriculum content knowledge it provides excellent formative and summative assessment data. Excellent ongoing professional development in its classroom application and regular updates are a real bonus.'
Tony KentTeacher - St Francis' School, Nathalia (VIC)
'Since incorporating Essential Assessment into our teaching and assessment schedule, we have been able to target the individual needs of all our students from Prep-6 and improved the differentiation of our learning program.'
Michael CoombKennington Primary School (VIC)
Unlock every students' full potetnial
Discover skills
- Use flexible pre-built assessments or create your own.
- See each student’s skills, capabilities and gaps.
- Access instant actionable data to work out ‘what next’.
Design instruction
- Use actionable data to address learner variability.
- Draw upon online and printable resources to personalise learning.
- Develop your students to review and reflect on learning.
Drive growth
- Post-assessments reveal student growth and guide future focus.
- Drive consistent, valid reporting with informed feedback.
- Use reliable longitudinal data to build consistent assessment practice.
Explore Essential Assessment
To explore how Essential Assessment can further support your Primary school, please click here to speak with a team member.
Explore EP for Secondary
Secondary school leaders - If you're looking for comprehensive learning features, rich assessment capabilities, and intuitive analytics for Secondary teaching and learning, Education Perfect can support you.
Interested in learning more?
Book a meeting with an Essential Assessment team member today!